Workshops, classes, retreats, presentations, publications, sermons and one-on-one direction available.
- Leadership Development Specialist. Strategic staff & leadership development training. Development topics: values-based leadership and character development, mission/values integration, developing emotional and spiritual intelligence, servant leadership, self care / soul care, customer service. One-on-one direction. more…
- Emotional Intelligence Development. Professional development guided through the five fundamentals of emotional intelligence. Includes mission/values integration.
- Burnout & Compassion Fatigue – Effective Self-care Tools. Cultivate resilience – nurture self compassion. Thrive!! Learn evidence-based techniques on how to maintain internal calm when the external world is chaotic. Purpose renewal.
- Advocacy – Special needs advocate. Coaching / mentoring parents and professionals. Self-advocate development coaching and classes available. Check out our award-winning book on Self-advocacy,
Myself, My Responsibility – tools to self-advocate. (enjoy our video book reveal.) Training and classes on unconscious bias – Becoming Conscious of Unconscious Bias through Emotional Intelligence Development a 3-hour class designed for all levels of professions and education. For those wanting a deeper spiritual understanding, this 3-hour class is also available as a 1-day spiritual renewal retreat. Excerpts taken from JJ’s Journey documentary highlighting intolerance issues.
- Transitions – Grief Recovery Counseling. Crisis Intervention /Trauma Care. Are you transitioning in life due to loss or change? We will help you redefine & rebuild life with guidance to keep moving forward on your journey; purpose renewal. Every ending has a new beginning. “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Special Needs Ministry. Coach / mentor church leadership with ministry development for special needs. Sermons and presentations available upon request.
- One-on-one Spiritual Direction / Counseling Faith formation and character development. “Purpose” development & renewal. Reconnect to faith-based beliefs. Spiritual life-skills development. Mission / values integration. Advocacy.
To make an appointment or for more information,
contact Lori at
- Come to the Well – 2-day Spiritual Renewal Retreats. Refresh – Restore – Renew. Are you emotionally and spiritually bankrupt? Physically exhausted? Renewal retreats are for everyone looking to enrich their spiritual journey by attuning to the presence of God. Learn evidence-based techniques on how to maintain internal calm when the external world is chaotic. To THRIVE!!
- Soul Care for the Servant Leader. Are you in the “caring / serving others” business? A teacher, preacher, doctor, nurse, first responder, therapist, 12-step sponsor or personal caregiver? Are you experiencing compassion fatigue? “Come to the Well” for Refreshment, Restoration, and Renewal. This retreat provides spiritual renewal for the servant leader. Experience the integration of Christian faith-formation practices, social competence tools, mission / values integration and servant leadership development supported by biblical scripture modeled after the teachings of Christ. Attendees leave with curriculum designed to support and encourage continued Christian character & servant leadership development.
- Kingdom Living ∼ Abundant Life. A Journey of Transformation from your head (beliefs) to your heart (intimacy with God) to your hands (passion/purpose)!! Circumstances are eternal opportunities – turn your “why” into “what Lord?” Purpose your God-given passions to bring the kingdom forward in every area of your life. Attendees leave with curriculum designed to support and encourage continued Christian character & servant leadership development. Sample Outline
- Equipping for Ministry – Christian Leadership Development. Building healthy communities – “Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence for the Church.” In this retreat, participants purpose their passion in the church as “the body” through the 5 fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, and mission / values integration to reflect Christ furthering the Kingdom. Attendees leave with curriculum designed to support and encourage continued Christian character & servant leadership development.
- Pastoral Care & Ministry Renewal for all in Ministry Leadership (Clergy / Pastor, Chaplains, Church Leaders, Spiritual Directors, Missionaries) ∼ “Reflect – Restore – Reconnect – Renew” Retreats. Are you experiencing compassion fatigue? Thrive with spiritual refreshment reconnecting to “call” by attuning to the presence of God. Servant leadership renewal through soul care restoration and mission / values integration. Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence Development training. Attendees leave with curriculum designed to support and encourage continued Christian character & servant leadership development. All church and ministry leaders are encouraged to attend. Scholarships available.
- Christian Meditations – enjoy video meditations
- For registration or to make a donation / payment to Transforming Lives Advocacy