Lori Ciccarelli Stotko, MPS, is a Leadership Specialist, Interfaith Spiritual Director and Ordained Minister who practices in Santa Maria, California. She holds a Master’s degree in Leadership with a concentration in Developing Human Capacity in Organizations from the University of Denver and completed a 2-year specialty training program in Spiritual Direction, Formation and Leadership from the Leadership Institute in Orange, CA. She is an Ordained Minister from the National Association for Christian Ministers; she earned additional specialties in Pastoral Crisis Intervention from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and Grief Recovery from the Spiritual Care Association for hospital chaplains. Lori is skilled in group facilitation, emotional intelligence & character development, values-based leadership training, spiritual direction and grief recovery.
Lori’s undergraduate education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications Media with a concentration in Journalism / Public Relations / Broadcasting & a minor in Sociology from Walla Walla University, and continued her education in Cal Poly’s teacher credentialing program in which she taught at the elementary level for over 10 years. She has been a public presenter and educator for over 40 years. Lori is a 5-time award-winning author for her book “Myself, My Responsibility – tools to self advocate” published in 2018. She was selected by her town Mayor to accept on behalf of their community-at-large the Town Council’s proclamation of declaring July 2019 as Cancer Recovery Month.
Lori volunteers for Hospice of San Luis Obispo County facilitating support groups and workshop trainings. Lori also serves on the Parents Helping Parents’ Family Advisory Board for the Family Empowerment Center in San Luis Obispo County. She along with her husband, currently lead the GriefShare ministry and senior ministry for their church in Orcutt, California. Lori retired in 8/2019 as the Patient Experience / Spiritual Care Manager / Spiritual Care Chaplain for Mammoth Hospital specializing in spiritual care-giving and grief recovery, which included facilitating the hospital’s Cancer Support and Grief Support groups; and she was the lead Crisis Intervention Specialist. She developed the Spiritual Care and End-of-Life programs serving as the lead Spiritual Care Chaplain. Lori’s tenure with Mammoth Hospital of 21 years also includes serving in additional roles such as Spokesperson and Community Relations Director (overseeing the departments of Public Relations, Interpreter Services, Customer Service, Volunteer Services, Fund Development); Leadership Development Institute Chair overseeing the hospital’s leadership training; instructor and coach for the Emerging Leader Program teaching the foundational leadership classes; facilitating the Parents of Autism Support Group and coordinator and emcee for the popular TV reality show and fund-raising gala Dancing with the Docs.
Lori earned Mammoth Hospital’s prestigious Excellence in Management Award 2010 – 2014; and honored as Walla Walla University’s Alumni of the Year 2011 recognized for community, church, and professional service. In 2008, she released a documentary film on her son “JJ’s Journey, A Journey about Autism” showcased around the world as the official selection for several international film festivals, and nominated for the Autism Society of America Media Excellence Award 2009. The film has been featured on NBC and touted by Oprah’s Angel Network as “Ambassadors of Hope.” Lori held an appointed seat on the Board of Directors, California State Council on Developmental Disabilities from 2011 – 2015. To learn more about their
journey visit www.autismjourney.net.
In honor of the 10-year anniversary release of the film, Lori in partnership with her son as the illustrator, published Myself, My Responsibility – tools to self advocate in 2018, an award-winning workbook sharing their 4-step process to self-advocate effectively (video book reveal.)
Lori is a conference speaker, retreat and support group facilitator, and published writer. She presents sermons, creates workshops / classes & retreats, and writes on topics of advocacy, leadership & character development, mission / values integration, customer service, spiritual renewal, transformative ministry and servant leadership development, clergy care and soul care. Watch Lori’s Keynote address, San Gabriel Academy Alumni Weekend 2017.
Public Presentations / Workshops
- Virtual Class “Compassion Fatigue / Burnout – Cultivate Resilience / Nurture Self Compassion. Evidence-based self care practices.” Zoom February 2023, Alzheimer’s Association of California.
- Sermon presentation “Compassion Fatigue – Restoring Holy Balance,” San Luis Obispo SDA Church, 7/16/22. watch it here
- Sermon presentation “Sustaining a Joyful Heart” San Luis Obispo SDA Church, 1/2022. watch it here
- Virtual Class “Compassion Fatigue / Burnout – Cultivate Resilience / Nurture Self Compassion. Evidence-based self care practices.” Zoom March 2022, Unwind Yoga Studio, Orcutt, CA.
- Talking Element 8/15/21 TV interview – Lori shares her journey of faith.
- Virtual Class – “Compassion Fatigue / Burnout – Cultivate Resilience / Nurture Self Compassion. Evidence-based self care practices.” Zoom May 2021. Transforming Lives Advocacy.
- Virtual Class – “Self Advocacy.” Zoom April & May 2021. Parents Helping Parents, San Luis Obispo.
- Virtual Grief Recovery Support Group. Zoom April – June 2021 (6 sessions). Transforming Lives Advocacy.
- Virtual Class – “Compassion Fatigue / Burnout – Cultivate Resilience / Nurture Self Compassion. Evidence-based self care practices.” Zoom Nov. 2020, March, June, Oct. 2021 – March, June, Oct. 2022 workshops. Hospice of San Luis Obispo County volunteers. Plus volunteer monthly meeting workshop – December 2022.
- One-day Values-based Leadership Development Workshop – State Council for Developmental Disabilities California Regional Managers. September 2019.
- Sermon presentation “Pure Joy” – Community Presbyterian Church, Lee Vining. May 2019.
- Presentation – “Burnout & Compassion Fatigue – evidence based self-care tools.” Mammoth Hospital, April 2019. Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce, March 2019.
- Featured speaker for USFS / BLM GROW Conference 2018 “Becoming Conscious of Unconscious Bias through Emotional Intelligence.”
- Sermon presentations on “The Age of Loneliness; the Value of Community Outreach Ministries” and “God’s Transformative Gifts of Grace out of Circumstances” – First Presbyterian Church Bishop, CA 2017.
- Keynote presenter, facilitator and instructor for Presbyterian Community Church Eastern Sierra Women’s 2-day Retreat 2017 – “Purposing our God-given Passion for His Kingdom.”
- Keynote speaker for San Gabriel Academy Alumni Weekend 2017 – “God’s Ripple Effect; Connecting our Past to our Future.”
- Keynote speaker for Church on the Mountain Women’s Tea 2017 – “High Tea in High Places; A Kingdom Perspective.
- Sermon presentation on “The Age of Loneliness; the importance of community outreach ministry.” Presbyterian Community Church, Lee Vining 2017.
- Keynote speaker for Cerro Coso Community College LVN Graduation 2014.
- Keynote speaker Loma Linda University Medical Center Oasis Conference 2013 “Developing Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence.”
- Featured presenter for Autism Conferences of America 2010.
- Panel expert for San Diego University 2011.
- NBC Interview “JJ’s Journey, A Journey about Autism” 2009
Lori has hosted spiritual renewal retreats focused on reflection, restoration and renewal since January 2013 which include Pastoral & Clergy Care retreats. As a Spiritual Director and Companion, Lori helps others see God in their landscape by accompanying them on their spiritual journey. Her ministry is a healing ministry of transformation from the head (beliefs) to the heart (relationship) to the hands (purpose) by enriching relationship with God through Christian faith formation development. For more information, contact Lori at lori.ciccstotko@gmail.com